Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd / Harry Muzart
Exploring everything in everyone's everyday lives, from a Multidisciplinary and Scientific perspective, with engaging e-Learning resources in Interdisciplinary & Applied Science across the Physical, Biological and Social Sciences.
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1K. 'Behind-the-Scenes' Processes
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Repositories of Resources by Others:
2A. Applied Physics & NanoPhysics/Chemistry, within our BioSphere/GeoSphere (⋆⋆⋆)
2B. The Universe and Beyond (⋆⋆)
2C. Paleo-archaeology, Evolution, Biodiversity, Anthropology, Human History & the Present (⋆⋆)
2D. Engineering Sciences; Information & Complex Systems; Computing; Futurism (⋆⋆)
2E. Molecular/(Bio)Chem/Cellular & Genetic Eng. & (Bio)NanoTechnology (⋆⋆)
2F. Computational Neuroscience, A.I., and HC/BM Interfaces (⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2G. Other Physiological Systems & BioMed. Physiol. (⋆⋆)
2H. Neurobiological Sciences (Multidisciplinary) (⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2I. Clinical-Medical Conditions (Diseases/Disorders/Ailments) (⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2J. Physical Sports, Extreme Physiology, Nutrition (⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2K. Cognitive Neuroscience, Education, Evo-Devo Behavioural Psychology, Mental Health (⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2L. Social Interactions (⋆⋆)
2M. Risk Awareness, Personal Safety, Security, Self-Defence (⋆⋆)
2N. Economics (Micro/Macro) (Behavioural/Sociology/Policy) (Math) (⋆⋆)
2O. Neuro-Law, Jurisprudence, Bio-Ethics, Politics & Global Society (⋆⋆)
2P. Digital Libertarianism, Cyber-Democratisation, Techno-Liberalism (⋆⋆)
2Q. Academia, Logic, Philosophy, Secularism, Methods, Innovation, Institutions (⋆⋆)
2R. Applied Mathematics/Statistics/Analytics (for Everything) (⋆⋆)
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2X. General/Misc/Amalgame & Career Activities (⋆⋆)
3A. Sciences/General (Motivational Inspirational) (⋆⋆)
--- TBC
Curriculum Sub-Topics
--- Cognitive & Behavioural Sciences, Computational Linguistics, Bio-Anthropology & Social Psychology.
One cannot understand psychology without understanding evolutionary biology, and the physical computational processes inside the brain. Most of us think and behave in ways that can be directly predicted by an understanding of cognitive sciences. Humans have evolved to take in external information, think, and decide to act. There are many programs and sub-programs that operate within our conscious mental sense of self, which have distinct neural correlates. The mechanisms by which all this integrated has a basis in the way information is processed within large neural networks. This is what underpins our intelligence, memories, emotions, capacity for constructing sentences & vocalisation of speech, and our ability to comprehend complicated subjects & interact with other people.
This section will to bridge the gap between previous topics and later topics.
It will also aim to provide a frame of reference and further help for people who are interested (and who need) to live more fulfilling lives by understand how their own mind works, and how the mind of others work.
--- TBC
Links to External Sources
Cognitive Neuroscience.
See 2G2 for references from which my work is based on. Learning and (Declarative) Memory.
Harvard Business review
Psychol and Language sciences
www.icn.ucl.ac.uk (Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience - UCL)
“Neuro-aesthetics: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Aesthetic Experience” 2016
“Insights into the ageing mind: a view from cognitive neuroscience” 2004
“The Neuroscience of Everyday Life” 2013
Psychiatry – the good things, and the problems with this discipline
"Psychiatry and the psychiatrist have a great future" 2010
Statistic and Psychiatry
"The Problems of Psychiatry"
American Psychiatric Association
Open Access Journal by Royal collage of Psychiatrist
Mental Health for Young People
Visual Media: Images & Diagrams, Graphics, Videos,
Embeds, Interactive Interfaces
Descriptions here - TBC
"How the Mind Works, The Ingredients of Language, Human Nature: Steven Pinker Interview (2008)" by The Book Archive
"Steven Pinker on How the Mind Works: Cognitive Science, Evolutionary Biology (1997)" by Remember This
"Interdisciplinary Research in Science" by Cengage Learning
"Psychologists in integrated health care: Super-utilizer team care" by American Psychological Association
Creative Commons Images, Animations and Videos
--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cognitive_biases#/media/File:The_Cognitive_Bias_Codex_
--- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Three_quarter_view_of_EEG_subject.jpg
--- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Memory_multistore_model.svg
--- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Working-memory-en.svg
--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_reality#/media/File:Reality_check_ESA384313.jpg
--- "PhD Course in Cognitive Neuroscience at SISSA" by SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies (Apr 2013)
--- "Class 9 | Attention I" by FEOEF (Nov 2014)
--- "The Neuroscience of Compassion | Tania Singer" by World Economic Forum (Mar 2015)
(Tania Singer is from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences)
--- "Steven Pinker on Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar | Conversations with Tyler" by Mercatus Center (Nov 2016)
*** More material coming soon... ***
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