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The human brain is the most complicated object that we know of. Even if we simplify each neuron (complex eukaryotic cells themselves), we still end up with approx. 80-100 billion neurons interconnected by approx. 100 trillion synapses. With these complex intricate structures comes incredible functions. Apart from the nervous system itself, every other organ system (in (almost) every animal), closely interacts with the nervous system. The brain is a means for the universe to know itself. It is a product of the laws of physics and natural selection. All our emotions, memories, feelings, thoughts, and actions, are simulated by the trillions of physicochemical interactions that comprise the functions of our sensory, cognitive and motor systems.


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Excellent resources on interactive brain:

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 (Imperial College Healthcare | Neurology) (King's College London - Department of Basic & Clinical Neuroscience)

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 (The BRAINnet Database - Brain Research And Integrative Science) (Neuroimaging databases | Open neuroscience)  (Databases for Neuroscience Research)


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● (The University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Integrative Medical Neuroscience) (The BRAINnet Database - Brain Research And Integrative Science)



Some videos from external sources:



"The Nervous System, Part 1: Crash Course A&P #8" by CrashCourse


"Structure of the nervous system | Organ Systems | MCAT | Khan Academy" by khanacademymedicine


"Anatomy and Physiology" by Bozeman Science



Animated Images - (CC BY Reuse + Modify + Commercial)

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--- "Open Source Neuroscience" by Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) (Sep 2015) [41min08sec]
--- "EMP Neuroscience: Dopamine" by Sinapsis EMP (Mar 2016)
--- "Cranial Nerves: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain Dissections" by Moran CORE / Universtiy of Utah (Feb 2018)
--- "Nervous system 2- Neuron" by Wendy Riggs (Sep 2014)

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