Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd / Harry Muzart
Exploring everything in everyone's everyday lives, from a Multidisciplinary and Scientific perspective, with engaging e-Learning resources in Interdisciplinary & Applied Science across the Physical, Biological and Social Sciences.
1A. Homepage ('Scientifically!' Productions)
1B. Blog Articles ¦ Writings ¦ Other Articles
1D1. ⋇⋇⋇ Videos (Main Page) ⋇⋇⋇
​1E2. for UoL staff/students
1F. V-Labs & Simulations (in progress)
1H2. for the hearing/visually-impaired
1I. Announcements ¦ Contacts ¦ Social Networking
1K. 'Behind-the-Scenes' Processes
1L1. State of the Organisation
1L2. Disclaimer (Legal) ¦ Licenses ¦ Privacy Policy ¦ Ads ¦ Terms
Repositories of Resources by Others:
2A. Applied Physics & NanoPhysics/Chemistry, within our BioSphere/GeoSphere (⋆⋆⋆)
2B. The Universe and Beyond (⋆⋆)
2C. Paleo-archaeology, Evolution, Biodiversity, Anthropology, Human History & the Present (⋆⋆)
2D. Engineering Sciences; Information & Complex Systems; Computing; Futurism (⋆⋆)
2E. Molecular/(Bio)Chem/Cellular & Genetic Eng. & (Bio)NanoTechnology (⋆⋆)
2F. Computational Neuroscience, A.I., and HC/BM Interfaces (⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2G. Other Physiological Systems & BioMed. Physiol. (⋆⋆)
2H. Neurobiological Sciences (Multidisciplinary) (⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2I. Clinical-Medical Conditions (Diseases/Disorders/Ailments) (⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2J. Physical Sports, Extreme Physiology, Nutrition (⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2K. Cognitive Neuroscience, Education, Evo-Devo Behavioural Psychology, Mental Health (⋆⋆⋆⋆)
2L. Social Interactions (⋆⋆)
2M. Risk Awareness, Personal Safety, Security, Self-Defence (⋆⋆)
2N. Economics (Micro/Macro) (Behavioural/Sociology/Policy) (Math) (⋆⋆)
2O. Neuro-Law, Jurisprudence, Bio-Ethics, Politics & Global Society (⋆⋆)
2P. Digital Libertarianism, Cyber-Democratisation, Techno-Liberalism (⋆⋆)
2Q. Academia, Logic, Philosophy, Secularism, Methods, Innovation, Institutions (⋆⋆)
2R. Applied Mathematics/Statistics/Analytics (for Everything) (⋆⋆)
2S. Languages and Culture-specific Media & Communications (⋆⋆)
2X. General/Misc/Amalgame & Career Activities (⋆⋆)
3A. Sciences/General (Motivational Inspirational) (⋆⋆)
##### TBC (To Be Confirmed/Completed) #####
Disclaimer (Legal) ¦ IP (Intellectual Property) & Distribution Licenses ¦
Privacy Policy ¦ Advertisements ¦ Terms of Use
### Disclaimer on the Legal Disclaimer:
This is kept as accurate as possible, as often as possible.
### Definition of terms:
‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘My’ refers to the Site Owner, Harry F Muzart.
‘My Work(s)’ refers any text, animation, diagrams, photographs, video motion picture, audio podcasts, code, programs, and/or structural ideas, created entirely or mainly by me, and feature wholly or partially original content by me. It also refers to any physical product or physical service delivered by me.
### Statement of Liability:
This is an informational website providing informational digital products/services.
The information on this website is kept as accurate as possible.
I accept no warranty claims/demands, or liability for anything.
This website is kept as safe as possible from malware, viruses, etc. It is also safe for anyone under 18; this is educational and informational website, and some content may be involved in the discussion of adult topics. Some people may find this controversial, and so adult supervision may be required for anyone under 18.
I accept no liability for anything.
### Downloads:
See above and below.
### Terms of Use for Users:
This platform is free to use for anyone without restrictions.
### Intellectual Property License Agreement for Re-Use by Users:
My works are protected under unofficial Intellectual Property copyright, but they are unofficially set under a creative commons CC BY license. This means you are free
to re-use (use, modify and/or share) as much as you want, even for commercial purposes, any part of this website that is created entirely by the site owner.
However you must attribute credit to me by simply citing the source webpage or top-level domain (eg. “BioNeuroTech.com” / “Scientifically.Org.uk”), alongside “Muzart H (eg. 2017)”, next to the copied/adapted information.
Furthermore, you must not re-use such data as to create significant misrepresentations or defamation.
For some material that is partially (or almost wholly) the intellectual property of others, you must check the terms of use of these owners and attribute credit to them appropriately.
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Content that is partially adapted from other authors/sources are usually either set under the CC BY licenses (including re-use for commercial purposes), or other such similar licences or forms of copyright which allow for the use in this website (even for commercial purposes), and therefore abides the AdSense Policies on this site’s webpages and especially where the AdSense Ads are displayed.
Furthermore, everything on this website abides the rules for Fair Use.
### Disclaimer on Site Owner’s Content Adaptations:
No mal-intent is intended.
No infringement is intended.
The Content, Copyrights [ © ] & Trademarks [ ™ ] of the original works, IF THERE ARE ANY, are owned by the sources identified.
The works follow the Policies on Copyright, and it is protected by, and constitutes, ‘Fair Use’; as set by:
--- The First Amendment of U.S. Constitution in support of ‘Freedom of Expression’. (USA)
--- S.107, Copyright Act 1976.
--- British ‘Fair Use’ and ‘Fair Dealing’ incorporated in Section 29 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. (UK Law)
--- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1996) drafted by the World Intellectual Property Org, iterating the conditions for ‘Fair Use’ and disputing claims.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use is in favour of fair use. The ‘Fair Use’ Policy is constituted as protection from Government Bodies, Private Corporations, and other types of Organisations, against individuals.
Some works (such as some YouTube videos on my channel) are not monetised by the channel owner, and for educational and science research purposes only.
Please support Freedom of Information Sharing, Open Access and Open Source to science/education digital media; for the purpose of worldwide progress in science, education, healthcare, technology, the environment, and human society as a whole.
### Non-Plagiarism and Fair Use is valid as long as:
- The original work/material is appropriately cited/referenced.
- It is taken not wholly but partially.
- It is edited/amended/re-structured/modified in a novel way.
- There has also been added value / added content to.
- There has not been mal-intent or misrepresentations or defamation towards the author of the original work.
### Extended legal Disclaimer for YouTube Videos:
See YouTube video Description boxes for each video; and above and below here on this page.
### About Supporting External Organisations:
Various external instructions/bodies/people are cited as I have content adapted from them, so please consider supporting them.
Please visit the references cited on this website for more content.
*** Please consider supporting them by visiting their sites, subscribing, viewing their works, donating to them, and following them on their social media. ***
For the YouTube channel (‘Scientifically!’), it has no legal or commercial/corporate/sponsorship affiliations with any of the organisations represented in the references cited, as when those explicit statements are made.
### Contact Me:
If there is a problem or to resolve a dispute – please contact me and we can agree on terms without any official legal involvements.
### Parent Organisation of this Site:
This website is a subsidiary domain activity of a Private Limited Company: Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd.
It was incorporated by CompaniesHouse.Gov.Uk, under a set model articles of association and constitutional memorandum.
Offices are situated in Kent, in England.
### User-Generated Content:
This is reviewed before being accepted as posts.
### Metadata:
Public metadata is public. Private metadata is private.
### Third-party Information-sharing Notice:
Public Information may or may not be shared between users, the site owner, and any other third-parties.
### Policy - Google AdSense / Wix:
To the best of my ability, I have made sure that I complied with Google's Policies on AdSense.
AdSense Programme Policies:
This website does display Google AdSense Ads.
This website may use browsing cookies and conducts other means of collection of user information in order to display contextual ads.
I, the site owner (Harry F Muzart) do not personally collect any information about the site users, but data is collected by Wix and Google (eg. Analytics), some of which I may have access to, such as the country of origin of my site visitors.
This site does not (at the moment) require the user to enter any personal and/or sensitive information. There also is no user-generated public information at the moment.
Please, also see this link:
"How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps"
------ other useful links -------
Wix Policies:
Google Sites Policies:
Other Policies/Terms (YT API Code; YouTube; Copyright & Fair Use; CC BY; Advertisements; HTML-based Sites)
### GDPR
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Enacted Procedures
More information can be found here:
--- https://eugdpr.org/
--- https://ec.europa.eu/commission/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules_en
Your full rights as a user are detailed there.
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This site may be using cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing (giving consent) to the potential use of cookies. This is for content and advert personalisation, social media features and traffic analysis.
### Cybersecurity and Encryption:
--- Sensitive information you input as a user is encrypted.
--- An official McAfee Rating report is currently pending.
### Finances & Business Model for the Parent Company:
The expenses and earnings related to this website’s activities have not been publicised, but will be soon in a Spreadsheet.
The current business model involves:
--- Advertisements are displayed to users via Google AdSense via this website or via my YouTube channel. At the moment, everything is free & open source, and I am currently working on producing more works and marketing my works so that I can generate higher traffic, so that there is more chance of users clicking the ads.
--- AdMob via my Android App(s).
I use Google Analytics data linkings.
Plan for the future:
--- Link to Amazon Affiliate Marketing Program (when people view and buy an advertised product via my website, I get a commission) and Amazon Mechanical Turk.
--- Sponsoring brands from my behalf in my YouTube videos, or in my Twitter feed, or other type of socialised media.
--- Customers purchasing my products / services, directly via this website, or Amazon, or Fiverr, or other; and offering full refund guarantees. This would abide by the Consumer Protection Act.
--- Donations to my Patreon, GoFundMe, KickStarter, or via Paypal.
--- Sponsorships/Funding from investors.
--- Grants or loans from Private Banks or Government Subsidiaries (unlikely I will want to get these)
### Domain Name:
I own the domain name.
For the right price, I am willing to sell it, via GoDaddy.
### Extra Note on Compatibility:
This site is supported properly by desktop computers & laptops (Windows, Mac, etc), and tablets (Android, etc). For smartphones - the layout may not be ideal.