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I provide assistance and help for anyone (see other parts of this website, and my other websites, usually under the headings 'products/services/activities/contributions/collaborations'), but this particular section refers to free special services exclusive to the following people:

  • Current Students, at University College London, on the Biomedical Sciences BSc (Y1 or 2 or 3).

  • Staff at UCL


For students, priority will be given to you if one of these is your personal tutor, or stream tutor, or project supervisor, or referee, or module organiser:

         ​ Greg Campbell, Margaret Mayston, Francesca Cacucci, 

          Richard Tunwell, Julie Pitcher, Pamela Houston


Further priority will be given if you specialise in the Neurosciences.


​I will also consider helping students on any other ‘Biological or Natural’ Sciences BSc degree programmes at UCL.



My free services to students:

  • Help by email, or online (pubic or private) forums, or text chat.

  • Personal one-to-one or one-to-many live video tutorials/conversations (via Skype or Google Hangouts).

  • Face-to-face meetings (eg. in London or Canterbury) (if time and financial constraints allow for these).

  • ​Review and feedback advice, and sharing my experience, if you are taking or consider taking any of these modules: *see my modules below*

  • ... more TBC ...


My free services to staff:

  • Voluntary assistance in your lectures/classes/tutorials.

  • Any type of assistance/support with your lab research work (for example collecting data, analyzing data, etc.)

  • Other basic clerical tasks and duties.

  • Volunteer as a participant in your research experiments.

  • ... more TBC ...

To get in touch with me:


Go to:  

Then go to 'UoL/UCL Alumni Community'.

But preferably, just email me on my UCL email - (just look me up in your UCL Office Outlook e-environment).

*** Please realize that I may be busy with other things, so I will do my best to reply to you ASAP, and I will try to help as much I can based on how busy I am. ***

Also feel free to register to become a member for this website (it's free and easy).

My UCL modules:

Year 3 (2015-2016)

NEUR3904  -  Advanced Library Project (NPP) (1CU)
NEUR3041  -  Neural Computation - Brain Function Models
PSYC3210  -  Brain in Action (Motor Neurophysiology & Behaviour)
NEUR3018  -  Neural Basis of Learning and Motivation
PSYC3207  -  Human Learning and Memory
NEUR3045  -  Visual Neuroscience
PSYC3209  -  Cognitive Neuroscience
Year 2 (2014-2015)   
BIOL2004  -  Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
HPSC1004  -  Science Policy Studies
PSYC6002  -   Introduction to Psychology (for Biologists)
BIOS2001  -  Writing & Presenting Bioscience (incl Project)
ANAT2008  -   Developmental Neurobiology
PHOL2005  -  Structure and Function of Nervous Systems
PHOL2003  -  Systems Neuroscience
STAT6101  -  Statistical Methods and Computing
Year 1 (2013-2014)   
PHOL1001  -  Mammalian Physiology (1CU)
CELL1001  -  Cellular Biology and Development
ANAT1003  -  Introduction to Human Anatomy
BIOC1001  -  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BIOL1005  -  Genetics (Molecular, Populations, Evolution)
PHAR1001  -  Pharmacology – Mechanisms of Drug Action
CHEM1602  -  Chemistry (for Biology Students)


Go to for more information on my specialisms.  



I am a recent alumnus of UCL of the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Control Systems / Neuroscience).

There are no formal contractual terms between me (Harry F Muzart) and University College London, with regards to this particular service. It is entirely independent and not legally binding.


I offer assistance and advice to the best of my ability; but you should always do your own research, consult other official sources, and query UCL staff, for the best information.

Me doing all this is purely on an unpaid voluntary basis, but I do accept financial donations & renumeration (eg. for my time and travel expenses) if you do wish to aid me in that way.

I will post more information on this page in the near future.


Please go browse all the other information by KCL:'s-college-london/


Note 1:  All photos and videos taken by Harry Muzart.

Note 2: has no affiliation (commercial or otherwise) with KCL, but the site editor is currently affiliated with the MSc Neuroscience programme at KCL, and potentially other positions as well in the near future. More collaborations will be sought soon.

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