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Scientifically Org


(website currently being renovated ...)



This site also provides a repository list of web links, news articles, research papers, etc; and other eLearning resources.


Especially covered are News, Activism, Futurism, and other Unusual Topics.


The latest ideas and news are also posted here.


The motivation for building this platform is that there are not many other websites like this one - eLearning tools/animations focusing only on Applied Interdisciplinary Science. This site will aim to extract and bring together all the best information on all the topics mentioned above.


It is aimed to an international audience, and it is for anyone with an interest in these topics.





Each topics includes the following structure of learning features:


Learning Methods / Tools include:


  • Textual Information (colour-coded), etc

  • Equations

  • Tables, Charts, Graphs

  • Images

  • Gifs

  • Animations

  • Interactive Graphics & Maps (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D)

  • Videos

  • Feeds - live updates from twitter, journal publications, news, etc

  • Social media links

  • WebView iFrames for Sites

  • Source Links

  • Bibliographic References / Reading List(s)

  • People

  • Events

  • Q&A

  • Quizzes and Test(s)

  • Files & Docuemntss & Forms

  • 2nd-hand 3rd party resources








--- Is using this site free?




--- Who is it for?


Everyone - if you are interested in learning, this is for you.


--- Can I recommend some improvements?


A feedback system will be put in place soon for this.


--- Can I use, share and copy info from this site.


All the text content & diagrams (by HM, Sci Org) can be re-used, re-distributed, etc, for free - (but please just cite the original url of this site).


--- Will this become a user-editable wiki-project?


Yes, it is anticipated that in the future, information here will be user-generated, and moderated based on strict rules.











"Resources by Harry F Muzart:" - resources written, scripted, produced, edited, made by Harry Muzart


"Repositories of Resources by Others:" - resources made by other people and organisations, that I re-organised in useful lists










About the Stars: ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

(These represent the relative amount of work I have done for each field)













Here is some of the content on the previous site:











   Partner Websites:

General work in Coding & Program Development, in Research, and in Computational Modelling of Neurobiological Systems.

More about Harry Muzart: my CV, all my professional and social networking, and funding platforms.

My start-up company - products and services summary.











For the PowerPoint Slides for my YT Video Tutorials (PDF), see the Video Description box.


--- eLearning resources by HM

(Pending Work ... --- This section will be updated as soon as possible)


--- My GCSE and IB Notes

--- Biology A-Level Revision Sheets from my tutoring work

--- UCL Biosciences / Neuroscience - My Personal Notes

--- Sample Preview of Courseworks

​​--- Etc



Coming soon to:










30-May-2021 19h57



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